Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Company's Coming

I'm SO excited about who is coming to stay with us for several days. One of my best friends of twelve years, Lori, and her sweet husband, Dan, are making a trip to Texas from Costa Rica, and arrive TONIGHT! They serve as missionaries there, and they're coming back to visit family and friends.

They blog about their mission work in Costa Rica over at Dan and Lori's Journey.  They have three wonderful children, and are expecting their fourth child in January.  We are very excited to see them, and I personally can't wait to see her sweet baby belly.

Today, I will be heading to the store to pick up a few foods that Lori has been craving, but cannot get in Paso Marcos.  We will also be sharing a few of our favorite meals that we used to eat together all the time.  You know, those meals that somehow became special to that friendship, even though the meals themselves weren't all that special.  It was the time spent sharing those meals together that was special.  For Lori and I, it was Chili Dogs (I craved them during one of my pregnancies) and Wing Stop.  lol  Not exactly girlie food, but it's what we loved, and can't wait to eat together while she's here!  ;-)

I pray that their time back in Texas would be a blessing and that God would keep them safe during their travels and their time spent here. :)


Welcome! Thank you for visiting Sacred Mommyhood. I look forward to hearing from you!

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