It's 4 am. The baby wakes. Eyes half closed, I stumble to her crib and bring her back to my bed to nurse. She eventually falls back to sleep, but I am too tired to even place her back in the crib. I shuffle down in my bed, beneath my covers and lay her next to me. I drift back to sleep.
What seems like minutes later, I awaken to a little one climbing up on my bed. Surprisingly, it's Ethan, my five year old. I can't remember the last time he came into our room in the middle of the night. I grab him and help him up into my bed, thinking he needed comfort. I whisper to him to be careful of Baby Amelia, and he snuggles in and drifts off to sleep.
By now, I'm slightly awake and just lying there, thinking. Thinking of many things. Praying. Praying for loved ones, for situations, for anything that comes to mind. Before I know it, I hear the pitter patter of feet. Another one of my precious babies is climbing into my bed. I glace at the clock. It's now 5 am and we've got three children squeezed in between my husband and me. My sweet husband sleeps soundly, not even aware of our visitors. But I lay there. Wide awake, yet so tired. My thoughts bordered on feeling a little irritated that my bed was full, and I would surely not get back to sleep.
Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him. Psalm 62:1
But as I lay there snuggling these babies, the irritation melted away. I was suddenly filled with joy. My heart was full. For whatever reason, my kids awoke, needed to be close to us, and felt welcomed to come, knowing they would not be turned away. What a privilege it was to hold my babies close, keeping them warm, knowing they were all safe and well. They were at peace. They were comforted.
I began to think about the truth of scripture, and how this mirrors our relationship with God. When we are scared, need comfort, or reassurance, He welcomes us. He welcomes us at any moment, day or night. He doesn't get tired, or irritated by the hour. He just welcomes. He loves. He comforts. We are His children and He loves us more than we can imagine.
"As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you;
And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” Isaiah 66:13
I am so grateful to be a mom. I don't always show it, or appreciate it. Some days I wonder why God entrusted me with these precious souls. But He did. And I am thankful. It's moments like these, when my bed is overflowing with children, in the sleepy quiet of the night, that God reveals His deep love for me. His child! And just as my children come to us, without reservation or hesitation, I must go to my Father. Only there, will I find comfort and peace!
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3
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