He swept underneath the table (sorry for the underwear shot, I was trying to take the pic without him knowing). He even moved the highchair over and swept behind it. I know this is small, but it still excites me! Notice how intently Chloe is watching her big brother. I just know she's thinking, "I can't wait until I'm big like Seth so I can sweep the kitchen floor!" (Yeah, right!)
Well, while I'm on here, I'll just a add a quick update on my wisdom saga. Monday, the day Greg went back to work, I lasted until about 10am. I had still been feeling sick and dizzy at times. Just after Cheyenne told me to go lay down, our sweet friend, Cindy, called to say that she wanted to help out and that she wouldn't take no for an answer! Halleluiah!
We welcomed her help and she stayed most of the day taking care of the kids, which freed up Cheyenne to prepare lunch and dinner. As soon as she left, several of the kids had a meltdown and I and prayed that I would make it until their bedtime. In the middle of the chaos, Greg called home and could hear all that was going on, as well as the hopeless sound in my voice. To our wonderful surprise, about 45 mins later, there was Greg, popping out from behind the wall. I could have just burst into tears at that moment! God was so good to provide the help I needed, and just in time. I tell you, Greg is truly my hero! He was able to stay home the rest of the night! God knows our needs and meets them!
Today, Greg is at work again, but I'm finally feeling much better. It's funny to think that all of this drama is due to two wisdom teeth being pulled, but I tell ya, this kicked me in the rear! If it had just been the pain, I can handle that....it's been all the other side effects that have slowed me down....the nausea, the numbness, the dizzines, etc. Anyway, I'm so thankful to feel better today since I have many preThanksgiving things to do. I still have all of the numbness, but I'm realizing that it's going to stick around for a long time so I just need to accept it!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!!