Saturday, January 14, 2012

One Week...

One week...and these two shall become one.

Today, Cheyenne and Nathan get the keys to their soon-to-be-home.  A cute apartment that they will make their own.  With the help of family, they'll be moving everything in and setting up home.  Nathan will move in right away, Cheyenne will join him after they are wed in.....

One week!

One week left with our little girl-turned woman. 

One week until we will not see her come down the stairs in the morning.

One week until she will not join us at every meal around the table.

One week until Celeste will lose her life long room mate.

Just one week to savor every moment we have left with her in our home.

If I sound sad, it is because we will miss her and the dynamics of our family will change forever.


In one week, our daughter will celebrate one of the happiest days of her life.

One week, we will gain a phenomenal son in law.

One week, we'll stand in awe of God's goodness in joining these two together, just as He designed.

One week until we have the privilege as parents to see our daughter begin her new life with her husband.

One week until we see our little girl-turned woman standing at the altar, with her white gown and veil, glowing and radiant, pledging herself before God to the man she loves.

Just one week....

What a privilege.  An honor.  A joy.  A blessing!

If you think of us, please pray for this final week of preparations.  Pray for our family and our transition.  But most of all, please pray for Cheyenne and Nathan...and the life they will share....beginning in just one week

Praise be to God!


  1. Candace,
    Beautiful thoughts. I was moved to tears. I will be praying for you all. Wish we lived closer so that we could be a part of their wonderful day. Miss you friend.
    Jennifer A.

  2. What a sweet post! I, too, was moved to tears. I love how you wrote down all of these emotions that you are going through. It will be wonderful to look back one day and read again. I'll be praying for your entire family through this transition. I can't imagine what it must feel like. Enjoy these final moments with your daughter all to yourself. Embrace the new life that the LORD has made. Blessings to all of you!

    Congratulations to Nathan & Cheyenne!

  3. Great post. Beautiful pictures. Lovely perspective.

  4. Beautiful. And what a beautiful gift Cheyenne is to this side of the family...couldn't ask for a lovelier first daughter-in-law! Candace, John and I started praying for you and Greg from the time we had a positive pregnancy test on our baby #5...knowing that you were out there somewhere and that you might not even be married yet. We've prayed for you ever since, and even more since we knew who you were! God has honored all those prayers in bringing these families together and we are humbled by his grace and his kindness to all of us. May this week be fun, memorable, and most of all honoring to the Father who ordained that it be!

  5. Cathi...what sweet and encouraging words. Thank you!

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