Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Balancing Act

Balancing ActWell, Daddy's up to his old tricks again. Once our babies reach about two months of age, Greg puts them to the test. He's done this with all of the children, and now, Genevieve has proven herself to be yet another silly Sabo! When Seth was a baby, he and Greg scored a few seconds of fame doing this very trick when one of our video clips landed on America's Funniest Home Videos.

And just for the record, no, he's never dropped a baby.........yet! ;-)


  1. That's amazing! And it makes me a bit nervous but I guess that is why dads are different from moms, eh? She's a doll!

  2. I can still picture him doing this with Cheyenne...like forever ago....so cute! She is getting so big so quick!

  3. You know Kelly has tried this with some of ours, but I guess they are too marshmallow-y or something. :-)

  4. AHHH! This is something that I remember seeing on more than one occasion. It is a Sabo right of passage!!!! LOL

  5. My husband has done a version of this with all of our children--his father did it with all seven of his :). Instead of standing on his hand, they sit. I imagine your husband's version is a bit more challenging.

  6. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I remember seeing Greg do this to Cheyenne in England..outside, but his arm was fully extended. I'm surprised she didn't get a nose bleed being so high! Cute, cute , cute!

    Idaho Gramie


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