Sunday, August 07, 2011

Under Construction

Well, I'm finally doing it. I'm redesigning my blog. New look, new name, new domain. GULP!

Things may look strange and unfinished around here a while, but I hope to complete the job quickly.  It will be a process, so please bear with me!  :)  Don't forget to check back....


  1. I thought I'd come over and check out your blog. Good for you making the plunge! Your blog is great and your family is beautiful! I think I saw a link to and on your site, we love those too! Good luck with your site construction.

  2. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Hi Sweetie:

    Well I was checking in and look what you're doing! You go, girl! I'll check back......hurry, though, I miss seeing your beautiful faces and hearing what's going on in all your live.


    Auntie Lulu

  3. Hi Aunt Lulu,

    Thank you so much for checking in. I'm monetizing my site, so please tell everyone to visit. And, if you like to shop on Amazon, shop through my link. ;-)


Welcome! Thank you for visiting Sacred Mommyhood. I look forward to hearing from you!

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