Friday, September 28, 2007

Sixteen Years and Counting

Happy Anniversary, My Love

Thank you for sixteen wonderful years.......with many more to come!

Here is the poem that Greg presented to me and the kids this morning......memorized and everything. Greg has always been known to write endearing, yet humorous poems over the years. Thought I'd share!

Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with an amazing, God-fearing man!

Come here everybody, let me tell you a story,
Of a wonderful girl and a goofy boy, Oh Glory!

The girl, who's such a cutie,
Was, is, and always will be of unsurpassed beauty.

Her beauty, wit and charm,
Turned my heart into a three-alarm....
Fire, that is (that's fireman lingo).

They were wed shortly thereafter,
Amongst great cheers and joy and laughter.

Off to England, we were sent away,
To live and grow in God's way.

And then onto San Angelo,
Which was NO rendition of Michelangelo.

And then finally back home, we thought we would stay,
But was that God's plan? Oh no, no way!

He sent us to the Alamo city,
Away from family, once again, oh what a pity!

Here we've been for eight wonderful years,
Many joyful memories and some tears.

What is, two,.....and now SEVEN?
Wonderful blessings from Heaven.

Though there are no flowers, gifts, or cards,
There is one thing you can see, it's not hard,

Something that will ALWAYS be true,
My never-ending love for you!

(And then he gave me a great big kiss!) :-)

And by the way.....we ARE going on a date tonight!


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Candace & Greg, Dad & I can't be prouder of you both and the wonderful family you have given us! God is sooooooooo good, and we thank him everyday for all our amazing children, but on your special day we offer a prayer of thankfulness, joy and continued blessings on your marriage and children. I still ask Him what I did to deserve such wealth! God bless you and have a wonderful 'date' :) We love you sweeties!

  2. Happy Anniversary guys! Thanks for sharing the poem. A date? What is that?........Have fun tonight!

  3. SCORE!

    You are blessed with a wonderful husband...we're blessed to know him :-)

  4. oh my. you two are just the sweetest!
    Bravo, Greg!

  5. I love that poem...tell Greg "Good Job"...very sweet!!!!! Have a Happy Anniversary and have a great date!

  6. Go Greg!

    Happy Anniversary Guys!

  7. Happy 16th! Hope you have many more. So glad that Greg loves you and his family so well!

  8. Happy, happy anniversary! I love to hear all the stories of the love that's in your household. What a blessing you are to each other and to those who get to watch your family.

    (Oh, and your picture belongs in a magazine or something.)

  9. Happy Anniversary!!!!
    What a beautiful poem Mr. Sabo.
    Candace you are certainly a blessed wife and mother. Have fun on your date!
    By the way, we had our family movie night this past Friday and the kids were thrilled. Glad you posted yours. It inspired me to make that a priority. Miss ya.

  10. WOW, you guys are building such a great legacy for your family. Do you have any words of wisdom?! I loved the poem! Charles wrote me a proposal poem..they are really alike..LOL I hope you guys have a great date night.


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