Thursday, November 27, 2008



We've been very busy this morning finishing up the last of the cooking. My sweet girls did some of the baking last night......Chey baked her Deep Dish Apple Pie and Celeste made the cornbread for the dressing. Now, the rolls are rising and I'll get started on the dressing. We're not cooking the whole feast this year since we're celebrating with our good friends again, so our cooking load is light.....well.....if you consider making 80 homemade rolls a light load! ;-)

We're looking forward to giving our Lord many thanks and praise, and the sweet fellowship we'll enjoy with our friends. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving Day!


  1. yea! cant wait for those rolls!

  2. That pie looks YUMO..wish I lived closer to have a bite! :)

  3. That is a really neat pie! Good job!

  4. We hope you had a happy Thanksgiving! Much love to you all!


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